To get started, you can click on “Create Workflow”, directly on “Home”, or on “Workflows”, in the side menu, and on “Create Workflow”.
From there, you will be directed to a new page where you will have to choose the type of Workflow you want to start, for rent or for sale.
Fill out the various fields on the form, such as the sale amount and commission, with the correct information. Some of the fields are optional and therefore may not be filled in.
After completing this step, you will be directed to the property record. Here, you must enter all the details of the property related to the Workflow in question. Once again, make sure that all information is correct and complete, as this will facilitate the following steps.
In the next step, you can add the participants in this Workflow. Note that this part is not required. This includes homeowners, buyers, or any other relevant stakeholders. Fill in the details of each participant carefully to ensure that everyone involved is correctly identified. Note that the permissions for each participant are defined at the Workflow level.
With all this information entered, you can then complete the opening of the Workflow. From now on, you can still edit all the data you entered or add new participants, if necessary.