The Advanced Signature is the simplest and fastest of all, but it is also the one with the lowest legal validity. This Signature only requires the receipt of a code via SMS.
We recommend that you choose this signature for documents such as the real estate brokerage agreement, lease agreements, and other documents with no legal connection.
To invite a signer to sign with an advanced signature, all you have to do is:
- Fill in your personal details
- Guarantee that you enter the correct cell phone number and email address, as we will use these contacts to share the contract to sign and validate the person's identity
- Enter the correct citizen card number to ensure that the signature is validated correctly
Once the contract is submitted for signature, the signer will receive an email with the contract link. Note that, if he does not yet have a registration with Unlockit, he will have to do so (you can share with him the tutorial “How to register with Unlockit”).
Once the signer clicks “Sign”, they will receive an SMS from Unlockit with a 6-digit code, which they must enter on the platform. And that's it! The advanced Signature is complete.
You can also share the tutorial with your client “Customer Signature Experience” to facilitate the process.