Signatures qualified with Video have the same legal validity as a notarized handwritten signature. This Signature is ideal for participants who are not Portuguese nationals.
To invite a signer to sign with QES Video, all you have to do is:
Once the contract is submitted for signature, the signer will receive an email with the contract link. Note that, if he does not yet have a registration with Unlockit, he will have to do so (you can share with him the tutorial “How to register with Unlockit”.
Once they click “sign”, the signer must follow a few steps to complete the signature: for the device's camera (cell phone, computer or tablet) to show their original identification document. Then, show your face to the camera, smiling and/or not smiling, and enter a code received by SMS.
Once the process is completed on the signer's side, there is a manual validation by the service provider that takes, on average, 5 minutes, but may take up to 30 minutes.
It is crucial that the verification window is not closed until the signature has been considered complete, so that the process is not interrupted.
To make it easier, you can also share the tutorial with your client “Customer Signature Experience”.