Tiago Dias15 Sep 2023
Blockchain’s immutable and sequential register ensures secure fractional ownership, enabling cost-effective distribution of new financial instruments that will democratize access to previously untapped investment opportunities.
We are building the most reliable database in the market and unlocking efficiency like never seen before. Companies and Governments alike are now investing heavily in DLT technology to offer better services and products to people. Blockchain is really a Governance Technology.
1. Transaction history record and automation
2. Strong Authentication and Qualified Signatures
3. Seamless interoperability with diverse stakeholders
4. Adherence to ISO 27:000 and ISO 27:001 standards
5. Compliance with AML6, CGPR and eIDAS Regulations
People are looking for automation, collaboration and transparency. We promote digitalization through a digital innovative premium experience. This experience has been refined over two years of collaboration with our clients.
1. Close deals remotely
2. No need to acknowledge signatures
3. Legal validity throughout the process
4. Centralize internal processes (HR, Finance, etc.)
5. Accessibility and verifiability Information (real-time)